Sunday, December 23, 2012

Editorial: Medical marijuana finally reaches the hands of those suffering in N.J.

The Times Editorial Board

It’s been nearly a week since the first medical marijuana dispensary opened its doors in New Jersey. So far, there has been no sign of reefer madness on the streets of Montclair where the Greenleaf Compassion Center has set up its innocuous storefront.

More importantly, the first patients are finding relief from their chronic pain with the low-grade strains of marijuana approved by the state.

One of those initial patients is Susan Sturner of Lawrence who devoted most of a day last week to the 100- mile round trip to the distribution center in Essex County. Sturner, who suffers from glaucoma and its side effects of intense headache and nausea, returned with a half-ounce of pot to ingest by smoking and brewing tea.

In an interview with Times staffer Christina Izzo, Sturner described the painful and frustrating journey that led her finally to a safe treatment for easing her symptoms and lessening the pressure on her optic nerves.

Also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, fibromyalgia and hepatitis C, Sturner was not eligible for the state’s medical marijuana program until her glaucoma became severe.

Worried about going blind and facing surgery with no guarantee of success, Sturner also is unable to use eye medications due to allergies. She’s found an answer in the small quantity of pot that cost $260 — as well as the 7 percent state tax.

Now that the program is up and running — and none of the nightmare scenarios predicted by opponents of the dispensaries has materialized — we hope that the other five nonprofits with permission to open centers will have better success in convincing municipalities that they represent not a threat but therapy.

While another center is expected to open in Egg Harbor, that location still will be an inconvenience for Central Jersey patients.

The Obama administration recently said it will not prosecute dispensaries that comply with state laws even though the federal government considers marijuana illegal. As the scouting for a Trenton-area location continues, perhaps that promise will allay some of the fears and opposition expressed at various hearings.

Two things we’d like to suggest for the Legislature’s January to-do list:
• Reconsider the tax that’s out of place in a state where other prescription medications and over-the-counter remedies such as cough medicine are exempt.
• And consider expanding the list of chronic conditions and illnesses eligible for treatment to help other New Jersey residents suffering needlessly.

Friday, December 14, 2012

ARTICLE: bigger fish to fry

Washington (CNN) – President Barack Obama says that federal law enforcement agencies have “bigger fish to fry” than prosecuting marijuana users in Colorado and Washington, which voted in November to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

Obama made explicit in an interview to air Friday on ABC News that prosecution of marijuana users in the two states would be placed low on his Justice Department’s list of law enforcement priorities, but that certain issues must still be ironed out as more states could pass similar legislation.

“This is a tough problem, because Congress has not yet changed the law,” Obama said. “I head up the executive branch; we’re supposed to be carrying out laws. And so what we’re going to need to have is a conversation about, How do you reconcile a federal law that still says marijuana is a federal offense and state laws that say that it’s legal?”

In a statement Monday, U.S. Attorney John Walsh said that the Department of Justice is “reviewing” the initiatives passed in both states and that the department’s “responsibility to enforce the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged.”

“Regardless of any changes in state law, including the change that will go into effect on December 10 in Colorado, growing, selling or possessing any amount of marijuana remains illegal under federal law,” Walsh said.

The Justice Department is familiar with negotiating contradictory state and federal laws on marijuana. Aside from the two states which have legalized recreational use of marijuana, 18 states and the District of Columbia have allowed legal use of the drug for medical reasons.

Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Agency, meaning it’s dangerous and has no medical use. Other Schedule I drugs include heroin, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms. Medical marijuana advocates say it should be listed under Schedule II, comparing it to other prescription painkillers that have a high potential for abuse.

In California alone, more than 1,000 medical marijuana dispensaries are in business, employing thousands and providing state and local governments as much as $105 million in taxes each year.

But federal prosecutors are getting tougher. Last year, law enforcement agents seized 3.9 million plants in the Golden State and were poised to collect more this year.

Marijuana advocates say the attack collides with California’s law and goes against a campaign promise by Obama to not circumvent the state’s relaxed rules.

A USA Today/Gallup poll conducted after November’s election indicted 64% of Americans felt the federal government should not take steps to enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in states where it has been made legal for recreational use.

A Quinnipiac University poll conducted between November 28 and December 3 showed 51% of registered voters nationwide thought marijuana should be made legal in the United States, compared to 44% who thought it should remain illegal.

CNNMoney’s Jose Paliery contributed to this report.

Friday, December 7, 2012


MONTCLAIR — New Jersey’s first medical marijuana dispensary opens Thursday after years of battles and bureaucratic delays in enacting a controversial law signed on former Gov. Jon Corzine’s last day in office.

The founders of Greenleaf Compassion Center in Montclair said today they expected to make the first legally sanctioned sale of pot late this morning — with only patients who have recommended by their doctor, registered with the state Health Department and scheduled for an appointment allowed to get through the door.

"We are extremely excited to serve the patients of New Jersey and humbled the state gave us a permit to let us do this," said Joe Stevens, board member and Greenleaf co-founder.

Advocates said the dispensary’s opening — first reported today by The Star-Ledger on, its online home — will begin to give patients relief traditional medicine hasn’t provided.

Roseanne Scotti, director of New Jersey Drug Policy Alliance, one of the advocacy groups that helped get the law passed, called the announcement "an incredible and historic moment for some of the most seriously ill patients" in New Jersey.

About 20 of the 338 registered patients have been scheduled to meet with Greenleaf on Thursday. Patients are being called in the order the state issued their identification cards.

Thursday’s opening will come after fights between Gov. Chris Christie, who said the law he inherited was too lax, and advocates who said he was taking too long to bring relief to patients in pain.

As Christie and lawmakers wrestled over the program’s rules, the health department — creating the program from scratch — encountered problems with screening potential dispensary operators.

Tim Sparvero/The Star-Ledger
The governor repeatedly stressed New Jersey would not resemble the "de facto legalization" of pot in Colorado and California, and he put John O’Brien, a retired State Police lieutenant, in charge. New Jersey’s medical marijuana law is the nation’s toughest.

Julio Valentin, a board member and one of the center’s original founders, said patients and the community should have faith in the program’s integrity. The Bloomfield Avenue storefront is secure, and the marijuana has been tested and deemed free of pesticides, mold and fungus. "People will have a place that is safe and secure," Valentin said. "They won’t have to hide in the shadows anymore."

Patients are limited to buying no more than 2 ounces of pot a month, but their physicians may recommend less. Initially, Greenleaf plans to sell no more than a half-ounce so the supply it has grown at an undisclosed indoor facility can stretch to every registered patient, board members said.

"We are asking for their cooperation and patience right now. Going forward, those limitations will be lifted," said Parita Patel, an attorney and board member.

Patients must pay cash, Stevens said. Under program rules that prohibit advertising, Greenleaf said it could not disclose its prices. Patients who can verify they are low-income will be eligible for a discount, said Jordan Matthews, an attorney and board member.

Greenleaf staff will discuss patients’ medical history, and recommend how a particular strain might help alleviate symptoms, said Sanjeev Patel, a board member and hotel developer. "Everybody’s body reacts a different way," he said.

State Health Commissioner Mary E. O’Dowd said program officials will be at the center Thursday to monitor the operation.

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"The department has worked closely with Greenleaf to ensure the integrity of the program," O’Dowd said. We are "gratified that qualified patients will have access to medicinal marijuana in an appropriate setting."

Marta Portuguez of Roselle Park called Thursday’s opening "a wonderful thing," and said she eagerly awaits her turn to legally use pot for several chronic illnesses that cause severe pain and frequent muscle spasms. Portuguez said she uses marijuana to lessen the pain and reduce the intensity of the spasms. "I do just enough to stop what is driving me insane," she said.

Greenleaf is one of six approved nonprofit "alternative treatment centers," but the others have had difficulty finding a place to open or passing the state’s review process.

"The program will only be successful if all patients throughout our state have reasonable access to this treatment," said Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer), who co-sponsored the law.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Code

Division of Public Health
Statutory Authority: 16 Delaware Code, Chapter 49A
(16 Del.C. Ch. 49A)



State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Code

Senate Bill 17, signed into law in May 2011, creates the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act. The Department of Health and Social Services is proposing regulations which establish the regulation of the Delaware Medical Marijuana Act to be hereby known as the State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Code. On April 1, 2012, the Health Systems Protection Section, under the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services, plans to publish as proposed regulations governing the State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Act and hold them out for public comment per Delaware law.
Copies of the proposed regulations are available for review in the April 1, 2012 edition of the Delaware Register of Regulations, accessible online at: or by calling the Health Systems Protection Section at 302-744-4705.
Any person who wishes to make written suggestions, testimony, briefs or other written materials concerning the proposed regulations must submit same to Deborah Harvey by Monday, April 30, 2012 at:
Deborah Harvey
Division of Public Health
417 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
Phone: (302) 744-4700
Fax (302) 739-6659

Rules and Regulations Governing the Delaware Medical Use of Marijuana
The Secretary of Delaware Health and Social Services adopts these Regulations in response to the authority vested in the Secretary by 16 Delaware Code Chapter 49A, The Delaware Health and Social Services Medical Marijuana Act. These Regulations establish the standards for the procedures for issuing a certificate of registration to qualified patients and primary caregivers. These Regulations provide a system of permitting and inspection, as well as governing confidentiality, payments of fees, and enforcement of these rules.

These Regulations shall be liberally construed and applied to promote their underlying purpose of protecting the public’s health.

1.0 State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Code
These Regulations shall hereby be known as the “State of Delaware Medical Marijuana Code.”

2.0 Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in these Regulations, should have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
“Adulterated” means made impure or inferior by adding extraneous ingredients. Goods that are prepared in food establishments that are licensed facilities in response to 16 Del.C. §122(3)(u) and 16 Del.C. §134, and that contain marijuana for medical use by a registered patient, are not considered to be adulterated.
“Advisory board” means a nine member committee established, chaired, and appointed by the General Assembly of Delaware to evaluate and make recommendations to the state legislature and the Department.
“Applicant” means any person applying to participate in the Delaware Office of Medical Marijuana Program, hereinafter OMMP.
“Cardholder” means a registered patient or a registered designated caregiver who has been issued and possesses a valid registry identification card.
“Debilitating medical condition” means a chronic or debilitating disease, medical condition or symptom listed in these rules and as defined in 16 Del.C. §4902A(3) that qualifies for the medical use of marijuana by a registered patient.
“Department” means the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.
“Designated caregiver” means a person who:
(a) is at least 21 years of age
(b) has agreed to assist with a patient's medical use of marijuana
(c) has not been convicted of an excluded felony offense; and
(d) assists no more than five qualifying patients with their medical use of marijuana
“Excluded felony offense” means:
(a) a violent crime defined in 11 Del.C. §4201(c), that was classified as a felony in the jurisdiction where the person was convicted; or
(b) a violation of a state or federal controlled substance law that was classified as a felony in the jurisdiction where the person was convicted, not including:
(1) an offense for which the sentence, including any term of probation, incarceration, or supervised release, was completed 10 or more years earlier; or
(2) an offense that consisted of conduct for which this chapter would likely have prevented a conviction, but the conduct either occurred prior to the enactment of this chapter or was prosecuted by an authority other than the state of Delaware.
“Incidental amount of marijuana” means marijuana seeds, stalks and roots of the plant that are not included when calculating the allowable amounts of marijuana specified in these rules. This includes the weight of any non-marijuana ingredients combined with marijuana, such as ingredients added to prepare a topical ointment, food or drink.
“Marijuana” means the same as defined in 16 Del.C. §4701 (23).
“Marijuana paraphernalia” is limited to equipment, products and materials that are ordinarily used in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing marijuana into the human body. It includes:
(a) Scales and balances used or intended for use in weighing or measuring marijuana;
(b) Separation gins and sifters, used or intended for use in removing twigs and seeds from, or in otherwise cleaning or refining, marijuana;
(c) Envelopes and other containers used or intended for use in packaging small quantities of marijuana for medical use;
(d) Containers and other objects used or intended for use in storing medical marijuana; and
(e) Objects used or intended for use in ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing marijuana into the human body, including but not limited to:
(1) Metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic or ceramic pipes with or without screens, permanent screens, hashish heads or punctured metal bowls;
(2) Water pipes;
(3) Carburetion tubes and devices;
(4) Smoking and carburetion masks;
(5) Roach clips, meaning objects used to hold burning marijuana cigarettes that have become too small or too short to be held in the hand;
(6) Chamber pipes;
(7) Carburetor pipes;
(8) Electric pipes;
(9) Air-driven pipes;
(10) Chillums;
(11) Bongs designed for marijuana and not for cocaine; or
(12) Ice pipes or chillers.
“Medical use” means the acquisition, possession, use, delivery, transfer or transportation of marijuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marijuana to treat or alleviate a registered patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the registered patient’s debilitating medical condition.
“Onsite assessment” means a visit by an employee of the Department for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the requirements of these rules.
“Physician” means a properly licensed physician subject to 24 Del.C. Chs. 17 and 19, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. If the qualifying patient’s debilitating medical condition is post-traumatic stress disorder, the physician must also be a licensed psychiatrist. In relation to a visiting qualifying patient, “physician” means a person who is licensed with authority to prescribe drugs to humans and who may issue a written certification or its equivalent in the state of the patient’s residence.
“Qualifying patient” means a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition.
“Registry identification card” means a document issued by the Department that identifies a person as a registered patient or registered designated caregiver.
“Tincture” means a mixture created from a concentrated extract of marijuana.
“Topical treatment” means a mixture or extract of marijuana made into a balm, lotion, ointment or rubbing alcohol solution, that is applied transcutaneously.
“Usable amount of medical marijuana for medical use” means six ounces or less of usable marijuana as defined below.
“Usable marijuana” means the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant, and any mixture or preparation of those dried leaves and flowers, including but not limited to tinctures, ointments, and other preparations. It does not include the weight of any non-marijuana ingredients combined with marijuana, such as ingredients added to prepare a topical administration, food, or drink.
“Verification system” means a phone or web-based system established and maintained by the Department that is available to law enforcement personnel and compassion center agents on a twenty-four-hour basis for verification of registry identification cards.
“Visiting qualifying patient” means a patient who:
(a) has been diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition;
(b) possesses a valid registry identification card, or its equivalent, that was issued pursuant to the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, insular possession of the United States or country recognized by the United States that allows the person to use marijuana for medical purposes in the jurisdiction of issuance; and
(c) is not a resident of Delaware or who has been a resident of Delaware for less than 30 days.
“Written certification” means a document dated and signed by a physician, stating that in the physician’s opinion the patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marijuana to treat or alleviate the patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition. A written certification shall be made only in the course of a bona fide physician-patient relationship where the qualifying patient is under the physician’s care for her or his primary care or for her or his debilitating condition after the physician has completed an assessment of the qualifying patient’s medical history and current medical condition. The bona fide physician-patient relationship may not be limited to authorization for the patient to use medical marijuana or consultation for that purpose. The written certification shall specify the qualifying patient’s debilitating medical condition.

3.0 Qualifying Patient Identification Card Application Requirements
3.1 The Department shall issue a registry identification card to an applicant for the purpose of participating in the medical marijuana program upon the written certification of the applicant’s Physician, supporting application documents and a non-refundable application fee with a personal check or a cashier’s check made out to “State of Delaware, Medical Marijuana Program.” The following information shall be provided in the participant enrollment form submitted to the Department in order for a registry identification card to be obtained and processed.
3.2 An attached original written certification for patient eligibility form shall contain:
3.2.1 the name, address and telephone number of the applicant’s Physician;
3.2.2 the Physician’s clinical licensure;
3.2.3 the patient applicant’s name and date of birth;
3.2.4 the medical justification for the Physician’s certification of the patient’s debilitating medical condition;
3.2.5 the Physician’s signature and date;
3.2.6 the name, address and date of birth of the applicant;
3.2.7 the name, address and date of birth of the applicant’s primary caregiver(s), if any;
3.2.8 a reasonable xerographic copy of the applicant’s Delaware driver’s license or comparable State of Delaware or federal issued photo identification card verifying Delaware residence; State of Delaware issued identification card must be available for inspection/verification;
3.2.9 the length of time the applicant has been under the care of the Physician providing the medical provider certification for patient eligibility;
3.2.10 the applicant’s signature and date; and
3.2.11 a signed consent for release of medical information related to the patient’s debilitating medical condition, on a form provided by the medical marijuana program.

4.0 Designated Caregiver Registry Identification Card Application Requirements
4.1 The Department shall issue a registry identification card to a primary caregiver applicant for the purpose of managing the well-being of one to five qualified patients, including themselves if caregiver is a qualified patient, in response to the requirements of this rule upon the completion and approval of the primary caregiver application form, available from the medical marijuana program, and a non-refundable application fee, in the form of a personal check or a cashier’s check made out to “State of Delaware, Medical Marijuana Program”. In order for a registry identification card to be obtained and processed, the following information shall be submitted to the medical marijuana program:
4.1.1 birth certificate verifying that the applicant is at least (21) years of age;
4.1.2 a reasonable xerographic copy of the applicant’s Delaware license or comparable State of Delaware or federal issued photo identification card verifying Delaware residence; State of Delaware issued identification card must be available for inspection/verification.
4.1.3 written approval by the qualified patient(s) and the qualified patient(s)’ Physician(s) authorizing responsibility for managing the well-being of a qualified patient(s) with respect to the use of marijuana;
4.1.4 the name(s), address(es), telephone number(s) and date of birth of the qualified patient(s);
4.1.5 the name, address and telephone number for each of the qualified patient’s Physicians;
4.1.6 the name, address, telephone number of the applicant; and
4.1.7 the applicant’s signature and date.
4.2 Designated caregiver application requirements:
4.2.1 Criminal history screening requirements: All designated caregiver applicants are required to consent to a nationwide and statewide criminal history screening background check. All applicable application fees associated with the nationwide and statewide criminal history screening background check shall be paid by the primary caregiver applicant. Individuals convicted of an excluded felony offense, as described in the definitions Section 2.0, and 16 Del.C. §4902A(7) are prohibited from serving as a designated caregiver. The applicant and qualified patient shall be notified by registered mail of his or her disqualification from being a designated caregiver.

5.0 Registry Identification Cards
5.1 Department inquiry:
5.1.1 The Department may verify information on each application and accompanying documentation by the following methods: contacting each applicant by telephone, mail, or if proof of identity is uncertain, the Department shall require a face-to-face meeting and the production of additional identification materials contacting the Delaware Division of Professional Regulation to verify that the Physician is licensed to practice medicine in Delaware and is in good standing; and contacting the Physician to obtain further documentation that the applicant’s medical diagnosis and medical condition qualify the applicant for enrollment in the medical use marijuana program.
5.1.2 Upon verification of the information contained in an application submitted in response to this subsection, the Department shall approve or deny an application within 45 calendar days of receipt.
5.2 Department registry identification card: The Department shall issue a registry identification card within 30 calendar days of approving an application. A registry identification card shall contain a 10-digit alphanumeric identification, maintained by the Department, which identifies the qualified patient or primary caregiver. Unless renewed at an earlier date, suspended or revoked, or if the physician stated in the written certification that the qualifying patient would benefit from marijuana until a specified earlier date, a registry identification card shall be valid for a period of 1 year from the date of issuance and shall expire at midnight on the day indicated on the registry identification card as the expiration date.
5.3 Supplemental requirement:
5.3.1 A registered qualifying patient or registered designated caregiver who possesses a registry identification card shall notify the Department of any change in the person's name, address, qualified patient's Physician status, qualified patient's designated caregiver status, or change in status of the qualified patient's debilitating medical condition, within 10 calendar days of the change. An extension shall be granted by the medical marijuana program upon the showing of good cause.
5.3.2 Before a registered qualifying patient changes his or her designated caregiver, the qualifying patient must notify the Department in writing.
5.3.3 If a cardholder loses his or her registry identification card, he or she shall notify the Department in writing within 10 days of becoming aware the card has been lost. Upon notification, the Department shall issue a new registry identification card. Unless documentation in the initial application has changed, the qualified patient or designated caregiver shall not be required to submit a new application.
5.3.4 When a cardholder notifies the Department of items listed in Section 5.3 but remains eligible, the Department shall issue the cardholder a new registry identification card with a new random 10-digit alphanumeric identification number within 10 days of receiving the updated information and the cardholder shall pay a $20 fee. If the person notifying the Department is a registered qualifying patient, the Department shall also issue his or her registered designated caregiver, if any, a new registry identification card within 10 days of receiving the updated information.
5.3.5 If a registered qualifying patient ceases to be a registered qualifying patient or changes his or her registered designated caregiver, the Department shall promptly notify the designated caregiver by legal process server. The registered designated caregiver's protections under this chapter as to that qualifying patient shall expire 15 days after notification by the Department.
5.3.6 A cardholder who fails to make a notification to the Department that is required by Section 5.3 is subject to a civil infraction, punishable by a penalty of no more than $150.00 shall result in the immediate revocation of the registry identification card and all lawful privileges provided under the act.
5.3.7 If the registered qualifying patient's certifying physician notifies the Department in writing that either the registered qualifying patient has ceased to suffer from a debilitating medical condition or that the physician no longer believes the patient would receive therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of marijuana, the card shall become null and void. However, the registered qualifying patient shall have 15 days to dispose of his or her marijuana.
5.4 Registry identification card application denial: The DHSS Secretary or designee shall deny an application if the applicant fails to provide the information required, if the Department determines that the information provided is false, or if the patient does not have a debilitating medical condition eligible for enrollment in the program, as determined by the DHSS Secretary. A person whose application has been denied shall not reapply for 6 months from the date of the denial, unless otherwise authorized by the Department, and is prohibited from all lawful privileges provided by this rule and act.
5.4.1 The Department shall deny an application or renewal of a qualifying patient’s registry identification card if the applicant: did not provide the required information and materials; previously had a registry identification card revoked; or provided false or falsified information.
5.4.2 The Department shall deny an application or renewal for a designated caregiver chosen by a qualifying patient whose registry identification card was granted if: the designated caregiver does not meet the requirements of Section 4.2; the applicant did not provide the information required; the designated caregiver previously had a registry identification card revoked; or the applicant or the designated caregiver provides false or falsified information.
5.4.3 The Department shall notify the qualifying patient who has designated someone to serve as his or her designated caregiver if a registry identification card will not be issued to the designated caregiver.
5.4.4 Denial of an application or renewal is considered a final Department action, subject to judicial review. Jurisdiction and venue for judicial review are vested in the Superior Court.
5.5 Registry identification card renewal application: Each registry identification card issued by the Department is valid in accordance to Section 5.2. A qualified patient or primary caregiver shall apply for a registry identification card renewal no less than 45 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the existing registry identification card in order to prevent interruption of possession of a valid (unexpired) registry identification card.
5.6 Non-transferable registration of registry identification card: A registry identification card shall not be transferred, by assignment or otherwise, to other persons or locations. Any attempt shall result in the immediate revocation of the registry identification card and all lawful privileges provided by this rule and act.
5.7 Automatic expiration of registry identification card by administrative withdrawal: Upon request the qualified patient or designated caregiver shall discontinue the medical marijuana program by an administrative withdrawal. A qualified patient or designated caregiver that intends to seek an administrative withdrawal shall notify the licensing authority in writing no less than 30 calendar days prior to withdrawal.

6.0 Registration and Operation of Compassion Centers
6.1 General Requirements for Operation of a Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.2 Security Requirements: RESERVED
6.3 Operations Manual. RESERVED
6.4 Required Training.RESERVED
6.5 Personnel Records. RESERVED
6.6 Application for Operation of Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.7 Complete Application Required. RESERVED
6.8 Compassion Center Application Review Criteria. RESERVED
6.9 Issuance of Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.10 Registry Identification Cards for Principal Officers, Board Members, Agents, Volunteers or Employees of a Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.11 Expiration Date. RESERVED
6.12 Expiration, Termination or Renewal of a Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.13 Non-transferable Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Compassion Center. RESERVED
6.14 Maximum Amount of Usable Marijuana to be Dispensed. RESERVED
6.15 Inspection. RESERVED

7.0 Registration and Operation of Testing Facility Centers
7.1 General Requirements for Operation of a Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.2 Security Requirements: RESERVED
7.3 Operations Manual. RESERVED
7.4 Required Training. RESERVED
7.5 Personnel Records. RESERVED
7.6 Application for Operation of Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.7 Complete Application Required. RESERVED
7.8 Testing Facility Center Application Review Criteria. RESERVED
7.9 Issuance of Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.10 Registry Identification Cards for Principal Officers, Board Members, Agents, Volunteers or Employees of a Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.11 Expiration Date. RESERVED
7.12 Expiration, Termination or Renewal of a Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.13 Non-transferable Registration Certificate Authorizing Operation of a Testing Facility Center. RESERVED
7.14 Inspection. RESERVED

8.0 Monitoring and Corrective Actions
8.1 Monitoring:
8.1.1 The Department or its designee may perform on-site assessments of a qualified patient or primary caregiver to determine compliance with these rules. The Department may enter the premises of a qualified patient or primary caregiver during business hours for purposes of monitoring and compliance. Twenty-four (24) hours’ notice will be provided to the qualified patient or primary caregiver prior to an on-site assessment except when the Department has a reasonable suspicion to believe that providing notice will result in the destruction of evidence or that providing such notice will impede the Department’s ability to enforce these Regulations.
8.1.2 All qualified patients or primary caregivers shall provide the Department or the Department’s designee immediate access to any material and information necessary for determining compliance with these requirements.
8.1.3 Failure by the qualified patient or primary caregiver to provide the Department access to the premises or information may result in action up to and including the revocation of the qualified patient or primary caregiver registry identification card and referral to state law enforcement.
8.1.4 Any failure to adhere to these rules, documented by the Department during monitoring, may result in sanction(s), including suspension, revocation, non-renewal or denial of licensure and referral to state or local law enforcement.
8.1.5 The Department shall refer credible criminal complaints against a qualified patient or primary a caregiver to the appropriate Delaware state or appropriate local authorities.
8.2 Corrective action:
8.2.1 If violations of these requirements are cited as a result of monitoring, the qualified patient or primary caregiver shall be provided with an official written report of the findings following the monitoring visit.
8.2.2 Unless otherwise specified by the Department, the qualified patient or primary caregiver shall correct the violation within 5 calendar days of receipt of the official written report citing the violation(s).
8.2.3 The violation shall not be deemed corrected until the Department verifies in writing after receiving notice of the corrective action that the corrective action is satisfactory.
8.2.4 If the violation has not been corrected, the Department may issue a notice of contemplated action to revoke the qualified patient’s or designated caregiver’s registry identification card.
8.2.5 Suspension of registry identification card without prior hearing: In accordance with the 16 Delaware Code Chapter 49A, if immediate action is required to protect the health and safety of the general public, the Department may suspend the qualified patient or designated caregiver registry identification card without notice. A qualified patient or primary caregiver whose registry identification card has been summarily suspended is entitled to a record review not later than 30 calendar days after the registry identification card was summarily suspended. The record review requested subsequent to a summary suspension shall be conducted by the Department. The Department shall conduct the record review on the summary suspension by reviewing all documents submitted by both card holder and the Department. The sole issue at a record review on a summary suspension is whether the card holder’s registry identification card shall remain suspended pending a final adjudicatory hearing and ruling. A card holder given notice of summary suspension by the division may submit a written request for a record review. To be effective, the written request shall: be made within 30 calendar days, as determined by the postmark, from the date of the notice issued by the Department; be properly addressed to the medical marijuana program; state the applicant’s name, address, and telephone number(s); provide a brief narrative rebutting the circumstances of the suspension, and additional documentation must be included with the request for a record review.
8.3 Summary Suspension, Revocation and Appeal Process:
8.3.1 Participation in the medical marijuana program by a qualified patient or primary caregiver does not relieve the qualified patient or primary caregiver from: criminal prosecution or civil penalties for activities not authorized in this rule and act; liability for damages or criminal prosecution arising out of the operation of a vehicle while under the influence of marijuana; or criminal prosecution or civil penalty for possession, distribution or transfers of marijuana or use of marijuana: in a school bus or public vehicle; on school grounds or property; in the workplace of the qualified patient's or primary caregiver's employment; at a public park, recreation center, youth center or other public place; to a person not approved by the Department pursuant to this rule; outside Delaware or attempts to obtain or transport marijuana from outside Delaware; or that exceeds the allotted amount of usable medical use marijuana.
8.3.2 Revocation of registry identification card: Violation of any provision of this rule may result in either the summary suspension of the qualified patient’s or primary caregiver’s registry identification card, or a notice of contemplated action to suspend or revoke the qualified patient’s or primary caregiver’s registry identification card, and all lawful privileges under the act.
8.3.3 Grounds for revocation or suspension of registry identification card, denial of renewal application for registry identification card. A registry identification card may be revoked or suspended, and a renewal application may be denied for: failure to comply with any provisions of these requirements; failure to allow a monitoring visit by authorized representatives of the Department; the discovery of repeated violations of these requirements during monitoring visits.
8.4 Request for hearing: A qualified patient or primary caregiver whose registry identification card has been summarily suspended, or who has received a notice of contemplated action to suspend or revoke, may request a hearing, in addition to a request for a record review, for the purpose of review of such action. The appellant shall file the request for hearing within 30 calendar days of the date the action is taken or the notice of contemplated action is received. The request shall include the following:
8.4.1 a statement of the facts relevant to the review of the action;
8.4.2 a statement of the provision of the act and the rules promulgated under the act that are relevant to the review of the action;
8.4.3 a statement of the arguments that the appellant considers relevant to the review of the action; and
8.4.4 any other evidence considered relevant.
8.5 Hearing process:
8.5.1 All formal adjudicatory hearings held in response to these Regulations shall be conducted by a hearing officer duly appointed by the DHSS Secretary.
8.5.2 Except for telephonic hearings, hearings shall be conducted in Dover or, upon written request by an aggrieved person, in the place or area affected.
8.5.3 All hearings held pursuant to this section shall be open to the public.
8.5.4 The hearing shall be recorded on audiotape or other means of sound reproduction, or by a certified court reporter. The decision as to the type of recording shall be at the discretion of the Department.
8.5.5 Any hearing provided for in this rule may be held telephonically, in the interest of a speedy resolution.
8.5.6 The Department shall schedule and hold the hearing as soon as practicable, however; in any event no later than 60 calendar days from the date the Department receives the appellant’s request for hearing. The hearing officer shall extend the 60 day time period upon motion for good cause shown or the parties shall extend the 60 day time period by mutual agreement. The Department shall issue notice of hearing, not less than 20 days prior to the hearing, which shall include: a statement of the time, place and nature of the hearing; a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held; a short and plain statement of the matters of fact and law asserted; notice to any other parties to give prompt notice of issues controverted in fact or law; and all necessary telephone numbers if a telephonic hearing shall be conducted.
8.6 All parties shall be given the opportunity to respond and present evidence and argument on all relevant issues.
8.7 Record of proceeding: The record of the proceeding shall include the following:
8.7.1 all pleadings, motions and intermediate rulings;
8.7.2 evidence received or considered;
8.7.3 a statement of matters officially noticed;
8.7.4 questions and offers of proof, objections and rulings thereon;
8.7.5 proposed findings and conclusions; and
8.7.6 any action recommended by the hearing officer.
8.8 A party may request a transcription of the proceedings. The party requesting the transcript shall endure the cost of transcription.
8.9 Procedures and evidence:
8.9.1 Any party shall be represented by a person licensed to practice law in Delaware or an individual appellant may represent him or herself.
8.9.2 The rules of evidence as applied in the courts do not apply in these proceedings. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted and such evidence shall be sufficient in itself to support a finding if the evidence is reliable, regardless of the existence of any statutory or common law rule that shall make admission of such evidence improper in a civil action. Irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded at a party’s request or on the hearing officer’s own initiative.
8.9.3 Documentary evidence shall be received in evidence in the form of true copies of the original.
8.9.4 Documentary and other physical evidence shall be authenticated or identified by any reasonable means that shows that the matter in question is what the proponent claims it to be.
8.9.5 The experience, technical competence and specialized knowledge of the hearing officer, the Department or the Department’s staff shall be used in the evaluation of evidence.
8.9.6 Evidence on which the hearing officer shall base his or her decision is limited to the following: all evidence, including any records, investigation reports and documents in the Department’s possession of which the Department desires to avail itself as evidence in making a decision that is offered and made a part of the record of the proceeding; and testimony and exhibits introduced by the parties.
8.9.7 The record shall include all briefs, proposed findings and exceptions and shall show the ruling on each finding, exception or conclusion presented.
8.9.8 A party to a hearing shall submit to the hearing officer, and to all other parties to the hearing, all documents to be introduced at the hearing no later than five business days from the scheduled hearing date to insure the hearing officer and other parties receive the documents prior to the hearing.
8.9.9 The Department may choose to: issue subpoenas for witnesses and other sources of evidence, either on the agency’s initiative or at the request of any party; and administer oaths to witnesses; limit unduly repetitive proof, rebuttal and cross-examination.
8.10 Conduct of proceeding: Unless the hearing officer reasonably determines a different procedure is appropriate, the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in this rule. The following procedures shall apply:
8.10.1 the appellant shall present an opening statement on the merits and the appellee shall make a statement of the defense or reserve the statement until presentation of that party’s case;
8.10.2 after the opening statements, if made, the appellant shall present its case in chief in support of the appellant’s petition;
8.10.3 upon the conclusion of the appellant’s case, the appellee shall present its case in defense;
8.10.4 upon conclusion of the appellee’s case, the appellant shall present rebuttal evidence;
8.10.5 after presentation of the evidence by the parties, the appellant shall present a closing argument; the appellee then shall present its closing argument and the appellant shall present a rebuttal argument; and
8.10.6 thereafter, the matter shall be submitted for recommendation by the hearing officer.
8.11 Burden of proof: The appellant bears the burden of showing by a preponderance of the evidence that the decision made by the Department or an agent of the Department shall be reversed or modified.
8.12 Continuances: The hearing officer shall not grant a continuance except for good cause shown. A motion to continue a hearing shall be made at least 10 calendar days before the hearing date.
8.13 Telephonic hearings:
8.13.1 Any party requesting a telephonic hearing shall do so within 10 business days of the date of the notice. Immediately after the parties agree to conduct the hearing by telephone, notice of the telephonic hearing shall be made to all parties and shall include all necessary telephone numbers.
8.13.2 Any party that has agreed to a telephonic hearing, but subsequently requests an in-person hearing shall do so in writing to the hearing officer no later than 10 calendar days before the scheduled date of the hearing. The decision to grant or deny the request for an in-person hearing shall be at the discretion of the hearing officer for good cause shown. The hearing officer’s decision to grant or deny the hearing shall be issued in writing and shall include the specific reasons for granting or denying the request. Should the hearing officer grant the request, the hearing shall be rescheduled to a time convenient for all parties. Should the hearing officer deny the request, the telephonic hearing shall proceed as scheduled.
8.13.3 The location or locations of the parties during the hearing shall have a speaker telephone and facsimile machine available so that all shall hear the proceedings and documents shall be transmitted between witnesses and the hearing officer.
8.13.4 The appellee shall initiate the telephone call. The appellant is responsible for ensuring the telephone number to the appellant’s location for the telephonic hearing is accurate and the appellant is available at said telephone number at the time the hearing is to commence. Failure to provide the correct telephone number or failure to be available at the commencement of the hearing shall be treated as a failure to appear and shall subject the petitioner to a default judgment.
8.13.5 The in-person presence of some parties or witnesses at the hearing does not prevent the participation of other parties or witnesses by telephone with prior approval of the hearing officer.
8.14 Recommended action and final decision:
8.14.1 At the request of the hearing officer or upon motion by either party granted by the hearing officer, and before the hearing officer recommends action by the secretary, the parties shall submit briefs including findings of fact and conclusions of law for consideration by the hearing officer. The hearing officer holds the discretion to request briefs or grant a motion to submit briefs on any point of law deemed appropriate by the hearing officer. Briefs submitted shall include supporting reasons for any findings or legal conclusions and citations to the record and to relevant law. Should the hearing officer request briefs or grant a party’s motion to submit briefs, the hearing shall be continued until the hearing officer has given the briefs sufficient consideration and brings the hearing to a close. The hearing, however, shall be completed no later than 45 calendar days from the date of continuance.
8.14.2 No more than 30 calendar days after completion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall prepare a written decision containing recommendation of action to be taken by the secretary. The recommendation shall propose to sustain, modify or reverse the initial decision of the Department or the Department’s agent.
8.14.3 The secretary shall accept, reject or modify the hearing officer’s recommendation no later than 10 calendar days after receipt of the hearing officer’s recommendation. The final decision or order shall be issued in writing and shall include: a brief summary of the evidence, a statement of findings of fact based upon the evidence, conclusions and the reasons thereof, on all material issues of fact, law or discretion involved, any other conclusions required by law of the Department, and a concise statement of the Department’s specific determination or action taken to sustain, modify or reverse the initial decision of the Department or the Department’s agent. Service shall be made by registered or certified mail.
8.14.4 The final decision or order shall be public information and shall become a part of the record.

9.0 Severability
In the event any particular clause or section of these Regulations should be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall remain in full effect.
15 DE Reg. 1424 (04/01/12) (Prop.)

Friday, November 2, 2012

ARTICLE - Hemp Oil - Make Your Own

Rick Simpson

For those of you who have watched the documentary “Run from the Cure”, this should answer any questions about producing your own oil. I recommend that people grow their own hemp either in a small indoor grow system or outdoors. Growing it yourself will eliminate the high cost associated with buying hemp from drug dealers. The cost of hemp can vary greatly from dealer to dealer and so can the quality of the hemp. For anyone new to growing hemp a good book or video on the subject is a necessity. Just go to one of the cannabis publications on line, or buy one of these publications at a local store where you live. If you do this you should have no trouble finding a good book on the subject. My personal favorite is The Indoor Outdoor Medicinal Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes. Also Ed Rosenthal and many others have excellent books on the subject available.
Caution: Oils that drug dealers sell can have many contaminants and often little or no THC. From my experience, most hemp oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal use. Make your own oil or have someone you trust produce the oil to assure a very pure, high quality oil is produced.
How much to make and take?
One pound of very dry high quality cannabis hemp bud material will usually produce 55 to 60 grams of high grade oil. This amount of oil will usually cure most serious cancers unless the patient has been badly damaged by chemo and radiation. In such cases the patient can often still be saved, but they will have to ingest much more oil to undo the damage the chemo and radiation has left behind. The average patient can ingest a full 60 gram cancer treatment in about 90 days. But if they have been damaged by chemo and radiation often much more oil will need to be taken, over a longer period of time. Sometimes such patients will require 120 to 180 grams to undo the damage from all the chemo and radiation. Once the patient is cured and all the damage has been undone, I recommend that they continue to take a maintenance dose of about 1 gram per month to maintain good health. A small amount of oil about half the size of a piece of short grained dry rice three times a day is a good beginning. After four days double the amount you are taking per dose and try to continue to do so every four days there after. Until you have reached the point where you can ingest one third of a gram per dose. Taking the oil in this manner in the beginning allows the patient time to build up their tolerance for this substance. Some people soon acquire a very high tolerance and I always tell patients the faster you can take it the sooner you will be cured. I once had an eighty two year old man who was ingesting 2grams a day, who was still going to town everyday and no one could even tell he was taking it. In cases where people are taking strong and dangerous pain medications like morphine. I recommend that they begin treatment taking doses about the size of a grain of short grained dry rice. The idea is to increase their doses as quickly as possible to get off the dangerous pain medications and let the oil take their place to provide pain relief. High quality hemp oil from the proper strains can stop pain that even morphine has no effect on, also this oil can be applied to external injuries for pain relief in minutes.
Will I get high?
Following the dosage instructions previously described many people have reported to me that they did not get high during treatment.
Will I become addicted?
Hemp oil does not cause your body to crave more. It is non-addictive, harmless and effective for practically any medical condition.
Is this the same as hemp seed oil?
No this oil is produced from the bud material of the cannabis hemp plant and it is the essential oil of the hemp plant. Health food stores sell oil that is made from hemp seed that is often mislabeled as hemp oil what they really are selling is cold pressed hemp seed oil and that is what should be on their label. Although seed oil is very beneficial, it does not contain enough THC to have any effect on cancer and other serious illnesses.
Are hemp and marijuana the same?
The word marijuana is one of over four hundred slang terms used worldwide to describe the cannabis and/or hemp plant.
Are all hemp plants the same?
When buying or growing hemp, procure a strain that has the highest possible THC content. To energize someone suffering from depression, I recommend a good Sativa strain. For most other medical conditions, I strongly suggest that Indica strains be used. Indicas relax a person and provide them with more rest and sleep.
How do I use it?
High quality hemp oil can be vaporized, ingested, used as a suppository or applied topically. Also this oil can be mixed with creams and salves for beauty treatments and other external uses.
What Strain Should I Use?
This is a rather hard question to answer, since in reality we are all at the mercy of the seed merchants, for they are the ones who have the final say in what we are growing. The trouble is, if you were to order a strain like White Widow from five different seed suppliers. When you grew them you would likely end up growing five entirely different types of plants. The type of White Widow that I was growing back in Canada had a very heavy sedative effect like a good Indica variety and it was one of the best pain killers that I have ever encountered. But if I tried to order the same seeds from the company I originally purchased them from today, they would likely send me seeds with entirely different medicinal values. The White Widow I’ve seen here in Europe is much more energizing than what I was growing in Canada. Unfortunately for the most part it does not have the medicinal values that I am looking for to produce the heavy sleepy effect, like the White Widow I was growing back in Canada. So as you can see, when you order seeds from most seed companies, you are never really too sure what you will be growing. We need a good ongoing steady supply of seeds that have known medicinal values, so an ordinary person will know what they are growing. All we need is the freedom to grow the most medicinal strains on earth. Then using a simple process of elimination we could determine which strains produce the best oil to treat different medical conditions. After this is done a stable supply of these seeds could be made available to the public and they then could grow strains that suit their medical needs.
I always produce this oil using strong Indica varieties, but Indica dominant Sativa crosses can often produce excellent results also. There are thousands of strains that have been bred back and forth with each other and they all differ in their medicinal values. Some strains are better pain killers, while others may be better to control blood sugar levels for diabetics or ocular pressure for glaucoma patients. I have good reason to call the hemp plant, the plant with a thousand different medicinal profiles. Once you experience the medicinal effects, oils produced from different strains can have, you will understand exactly what I mean. But luckily for us, if the oil is properly produced it does work very well in the treatment of all types of cancer. At this time all I can do is tell the public to order strong Indica or Indica dominant Sativa crosses that have 20% THC or more, to produce their oil. Also people are always asking me where they can get seeds and this can be a real problem for those who live in some countries, that don’t allow them to be sold. If you go on the internet you will find many seed companies that will supply cannabis seeds. But the only company I know of that will ship seeds worldwide is the Attitude Seed Company out of the UK. I hope the information I have provided will be helpful to those who are trying to acquire the proper strain to produce their medication. We already know the wonderful healing effects this natural oil has, but we need the freedom to perfect the strains required to produce the most effective medicine.
My process:
I usually work with a pound or more of bud from very potent high quality Indica or Indica dominant Sativa crosses. An ounce of good bud will usually produce 3 to 4 grams of high grade oil and the amount of oil produced will vary from strain to strain. So you are never really sure how much oil you will get, until you have processed the material you are working with. But on average a pound of good bud will usually produce about 60 grams of high grade oil and sometimes you may even get a bit more. Many people will tell you that the oil should be amber and that you can see through it, in many cases the oils that I produced were exactly like that. But the color and texture of the oil you are producing depends a great deal on the strain and solvent that you are using to produce the oil. So don’t be concerned if the oil you produce happens to be darker in color, this does not mean that it is any less potent as a medicine.
The process that I am about to describe involves washing the starting material twice with a good solvent such as pure naphtha, to remove the available resin from the plant material. Naphtha has proven to be a very good solvent to produce the oil and in Europe it is often called benzine. The only solvents that I have direct experience with are ether, alcohol and naphtha. Ether is my personal favourite and it is a very effective solvent, but it is expensive and can be quite hard to get. I think the use of ether is better suited for closed distilling devices since it is very volitile and its fumes make it a bit dangerous to work with. Alcohol is not quite as effective as ether or naphtha as a solvent, since it is less selective in nature, but still it does work well. Alcohol will dissolve more chlorophyll from the starting material and due to this, oils produced with alcohol will usually be more noticeably dark in color. For a solvent to be effective it should be 100% pure and 100% pure alcohol is expensive and can be quite hard to find. Naphtha on the other hand is quite cheap to acquire and is usually not too hard to find. Many paint suppliers sell pure naphtha as paint thinners, so for the most part it is quite easy to get and next to the use of ether it is my solvent of choice.
All these solvents including alcohol are poisonous in nature, but if you follow these instructions solvent residue in the finished oil is not a concern. When you are done processing the oil after it cools to room temperature, it is a thick grease rather than an oil. The finished oil or in reality (grease) is about as anti poisonous as you can get. Even if there was a trace amount of solvent residue remaining, the oil itself would act upon it to neutralize any harmful poisonous effect. I don’t recommend the use of butane as a solvent to produce this medication, since it is very volatile and would require the use of expensive equipment to neutralize the danger. Also using butane to produce the oil does not decarboxylate the finished product, so oils produced in this manner would be much less effective for medicinal use.
The starting material must be as dry as possible, it is then placed in a container of good depth to prevent the oil solvent mix from splashing out during the washing process. Once the starting material is placed in the desired container it is then dampened with the solvent being used, be sure the area you are working in is well ventilated and there are no sparks, open flames or red hot elements in the area. After the material is dampened it is crushed using a length of wood such as a piece of 2×2, after it has been crushed add more solvent until the material is completely immersed, in the solvent. Work the material immersed in the solvent for about three minutes, with the length of wood you used to crush it with. Then slowly pour the solvent oil mix off into another clean container, leaving the starting material in the original container, so it can be washed for the second time.
Again add fresh solvent to the starting material until it is once more immersed in the solvent then work it for three more minutes with the length of wood you have been using. Then pour the solvent oil mix into the same container that is holding the solvent oil mix from the first wash you did. Trying to do a third wash on the plant material would produce very little oil and it would be of little or no benefit as a medicine. The first wash dissolves 70 to 80% of the available resin off the starting material, the second wash then removes whatever resin that is of benefit that remains.
Use something such as clean water containers with a small opening at the top and insert funnels into the openings, then put large coffee filters in the funnels. Pour the solvent oil mix from the first and second washes into the coffee filters and allow the solvent oil mix to drain through the filters to remove any unwanted plant material. Once the solvent oil mix has been filtered it is now ready to have the solvent boiled off.
Use an inexpensive large rice cooker with an open top that has both high and low heat settings to boil the solvent off the oil. Make sure that the rice cooker is set up in a well ventilated area and place a fan near by to blow away the fumes as the solvent boils off. Rice cookers are designed to not burn the rice as it cooks and the temperature sensors that are built in, will automatically put the cooker back on the low heat setting if the temperature within the cooker begins to get to high. When producing oil if the temperature gets too high it will vaporize the cannabinoids off the oil and of course you do not want this to occur. That’s the reason I strongly recommend the use of a rice cooker to those who have never produced oil before since it eliminates any danger of this happening, if the rice cooker is working properly.
Make sure there are no sparks, open flames or red hot elements in the area while you are filling the rice cooker or boiling the solvent off, because the fumes produced from the solvent are very flammable. I have used this same process thousands of times and have never had a mishap, but for your own safety please follow the instructions, I also caution you to avoid breathing in the fumes that solvents produce. Fill the rice cooker until it is about three quarters full, this allows room for the solvent oil mix to boil the solvent off without spilling over. Put the rice cooker on its high heat setting and begin boiling the solvent off, as the level in the rice cooker drops continue to carefully add the solvent oil mix you have remaining, until you have nothing left.
When the level in the rice cooker comes down for the last time and has been reduced to about two inches of solvent oil mix remaining, add a few drops of water to the solvent oil mix that remains. When I am boiling the solvent oil mix produced from one pound of starting material, I usually add 10 to 12 drops of water at this time. This small amount of water allows the remaining solvent to boil off the oil that remains in the cooker more readily. When there is very little remaining in the cooker, I usually put on a pair of gloves and then pick up the cooker and begin swirling its contents. Until the cooker automatically kicks off its high heat setting and then goes to low heat.
As the last of the solvent is being boiled off, you will hear a crackling sound from the oil that is left in the cooker and you will see quite a bit of bubbling taking place in the oil that remains. Also you will notice what looks like a small amount of smoke or steam, coming off the oil in the rice cooker. But don’t be concerned this is mostly just steam produced from the few drops of water that you added. After the rice cooker has automatically switched to its low heat setting, I take the inner pot out of the cooker and pour its contents into a stainless steel measuring cup. There will be a small amount of oil remaining in the pot that you will find almost impossible to get out, unless you use something like dry bread to absorb the oil while it is still warm. Then small amounts of this bread can be eaten as a medicine, but remember it can sometimes take an hour or more before you feel its effects. So be careful how much bread like this you consume, because it may put you to sleep for quite a few hours, just the same as the raw oil will do itself.
Take the oil that you poured into the stainless steel measuring cup and put it on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer, to evaporate off whatever water remains in the oil. Quite often it only takes a short time to evaporate the remaining water off, but also some strains produce more natural turpins than others. These turpins can cause the oil you now have on the coffee warmer to bubble for quite some time and it may take awhile for such oils to cease this activity. When the oil on the coffee warmer has stopped bubbling and there is little or no activity visible, take the oil off the coffee warmer and allow it to cool a bit.
Then using plastic applicators or syringes with no needles, that are available in your local drug store. Use the plunger of the syringes to slowly draw the warm oil up into the syringes and allow it to cool. In a short time the oil will become a thick grease, sometimes the oil can be so thick that it can be hard to force it out of the syringes when cooled. If such a thing happens simply run hot water over the syringe and your doses can then be forced out much more easily. Sometimes a patient will force out too much oil, but if this happens just pull back on the plunger of the syringe and the excess oil can usually be drawn back into the syringe without too much difficulty.
On average if I have a dry pound of material to work with, it will require about two imperial gallons of solvent, or 9 liters which equals about 320 fluid ounces to do the two washes that are required. If you plan to produce the oil from more or less starting material, simply do the math to determine roughly how much solvent you will require. From start to finish it usually takes me about four hours to accomplish the whole process, then the medicine is sitting there ready to be used. It should also be mentioned that this oil has an extremely long shelf life, if kept in a cool dark place for storage. I think these instructions should make producing this oil quite easy for anyone, but before you start make sure that you have everything you will need to do it properly.
At first it may seem daunting for some to try to produce their own medicine, but in reality this process is extremely simple. All you have to do is carefully follow the instructions and after you produce this medication a couple of times, you will find that it is not much harder to make than a cup of coffee. Once you have produced your own medication it takes all the mystery out of medicine and you no longer have to rely on doctors in most cases, for now you are your own doctor. Welcome
to the world of real medicine, medicine that does no harm and is effective for practically all diseases and conditions and a wonderful natural medication that you now know how to produce yourself.
Best Wishes and Good Health,

Friday, October 26, 2012

ARTICLE: Montclair Pot Dispensary: New Jersey's First Marijuana Storefront Lands Pot License

MONTCLAIR, N.J. -- Across New Jersey, most communities approached about hosting one of the state's first legal medical marijuana dispensaries in out-of-the-way industrial zones have just said no, after outpourings of public opposition.
Montclair is a different story.
The cosmopolitan suburb a half-hour train ride from Manhattan has not only allowed Greenleaf Compassion Center – which last week received the state Health Department's first license to begin providing pot to patients – but also let the business set up in the middle of the town's main drag, and with no fuss.
For plenty of people in the way left-of-center town, the situation is a source of both pride and nonchalance.
"Why are the other communities so closed-minded as to not accept something like that?" said Peter Ryby, owner of Montclair Book Store, around the corner and down the block from the not-yet-opened alternative treatment center.
The town of 38,000 is sometimes called "the Upper West Side of New Jersey," referring to the famously upscale and liberal part of Manhattan, but it's also reminiscent of well-heeled bohemian spots such as Boulder, Colo., and Berkeley, Calif. There's an art museum, an international film festival, a Whole Foods, Thai restaurants, racks for commuters' bikes, and the headquarters of Garden State Equality, New Jersey's largest gay-rights group.
The population – 62 percent white, 27 percent black – is racially integrated and largely well-to-do. The median household income is $140,000.
And the idea of tolerance is part of the town's identity. In a scene in "Mad Men," a TV drama set in the 1960s, characters who went to Montclair for a party were stunned to see black and white revelers together – and marijuana being passed around.
Medical marijuana is a dicey business. In the eyes of the federal government, the medicine is still an illegal drug.
Some patients say marijuana can ease symptoms associated with conditions ranging from multiple sclerosis to migraines. It has been used to treat pain, nausea and lack of appetite in cancer and AIDS patients.
Seventeen states and Washington, D.C., have flouted federal law and passed some sort of statute to allow patients access to the drug.
Each state has its own model for how the cannabis can be distributed. Some, like New Jersey – where advocates lament and some officials brag that the laws are the nation's strictest – are still in a startup phase.
So far, nine states – Arizona, California, Colorado, Maine, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington – have dispensaries operating. Some states are still setting up distribution systems, and some use home-grown marijuana or other setups that do not include dispensaries.
Chris Goldstein, a spokesman for both the Philadelphia chapter of the pro-pot group NORML and the Coalition for Medical Marijuana of New Jersey, has visited dispensaries all over the country. He said most of the storefront operations look more like the one ready to open in Montclair than those proposed in industrial districts of New Jersey.
"The dispensaries are in the higher-end neighborhoods of California towns. There are people who are wealthy and who are poor who need to access medical marijuana," he said. "In New Jersey, it's wherever the dispensary can get their location."
New Jersey is not allowing registered patients to grow their own, and is limiting the potency, amount and variety of pot patients can buy. There's a relatively short list of conditions that qualify patients for the drug, and unlike some more lenient states, chronic pain and anxiety aren't on it.
Only New Jersey residents are eligible. New York, easily reachable by rail, does not allow medical marijuana, though lawmakers have proposed doing so.
Last year, the New Jersey Department of Health selected six nonprofit groups to pursue plans to grow and sell cannabis. The other five have struggled to find towns that will accept them, and none yet has permission to start growing marijuana, let alone sell it.
Groups are planning sites in Egg Harbor Township and Woodbridge. The other three groups have not announced their latest location plans.
Only Greenleaf has had a direct path. In its application, the group said it would meet patients in Montclair and grow its plants in another, undisclosed town. The group won't say where, citing security.
A year ago, Janice Talley, Montclair's director of planning and community development, found that the site on Bloomfield Avenue – next door to an abortion clinic and three buildings down from an adult video store that has pipes and vaporizers displayed for sale – would be a permissible for the new business under zoning laws.
Talley said she fielded complaints from some national anti-marijuana groups. "Nobody from the town called me and complained why we had that facility," she said. "It wasn't a huge issue here."
Behind the counter at Health Love and Soul Juice Bar and Grill a couple doors down from Greenleaf, Jarisi Anderson, said he's all for the new establishment. "It's a beautiful thing," he said.
His co-worker, Queen Townsend, fears the place could be a problem, but she believes she's in the minority. "The people I've met in Montclair – I don't want to stereotype – a lot of people here smoke weed," she said. "They don't have a problem with that."
The guys smoking tobacco down the street at Fume, a cigar shop, said they aren't troubled by legalizing marijuana – medicinal or not. "It's a waste to lock somebody up for a nickel bag or a dime bag," said shop owner Ralph Alberto.
But the dispensary could give the non-Montclair residents who go there to protest another cause.
Last week, Bernadette Grant stood across the street from the dispensary's neighboring abortion clinic with rosary beads in one hand and anti-abortion pamphlets in the other. She said she considers medical marijuana in the same category as abortion.
"This is not pro-life ," she said. "This is pro-death."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BLOG: A response from a local elected official, re: Delaware Medical Marijuana Compassion Care Centers


We do plan to request a meeting with the Governor, once the election is over in two weeks. Our hope is that there will be a more comfort level to allow us to move forward with the legislation.


Thanks, I appreciate the update regarding Delaware Compassion Care Centers.

We knew from the beginning that there would be challenges, and even setbacks, we knew that it might be "uncomfortable" but for the Governor to stop altogether and our representatives to say nothing to us? To hear that we are going to wait till after the election is just ridiculous. We are a year and half behind schedule already.

My next letter will be to the near 2300 Delaware patients, friends, families, doctors and nurses who prefer, use, consume & recommend cannabis that we must wait till after election to request a " comfortable " meeting. No one is going to be happy. This should have been on the calendar every week until Delaware Patients have safe access to medical cannabis.

It's important to us, our friends are still in pain, our families are still fighting crippling diseases as our caregivers buy cannabis illegally so that their loved ones have quality of life. Our elected officials force us to be terminally ill criminals so they can be "comfortable". When elected official become comfortable.. It's certainly time for an election and we the voters will elect driven, fearless, educated & motivated... Not comfortable.


Diane L. Jump

Monday, October 22, 2012

BLOG: Letter to Governor Markell Re: Delaware Compassionate Care Centers

Governor Markell,

You must rethink your decision and allow the processes of the three compassion care centers to begin. You do remember, we were there, the sick, the terminally ill, the Delaware patients who told our stories of how cannabis helps us, heals us and allows us quality of life. The law passed, Delaware is a medical marijuana state and we need our three compassion care centers.

Sir, times are changing and Delaware needs to be part of that change. Over 80% of citizens favor medical cannabis and know someone who prefers it over the harmful prescribed narcotics and alcohol. We all know the war in drugs is a dismal failure and many promising futures have been ruined for simple personal medical use. We will no longer sit idly by to watch this antiquated law that big government, big pharma, dirty money hides behind. You are our governor and we trust you to listen to the people. Over 60% think cannabis should be decriminalized, soon that will change and we will voting legalization. It's inevitable, there is nothing you can do to stop it, we should be focusing on the jobs that medical cannabis can and will bring to Delaware!

Delaware citizens, small business owners, voters, doctors & scientist were in a DC court last week battling for the schedule one classification to be changed and offering scientific proof that cannabis has absolute medical value.

I will vaporize and ingest it for my cancer / chemo / radiation side effects. I have learned that science and nature works well together, I have severely reduced my prescribed narcotics and medications. I talk to my doctors and share my healthy diet, exercise, minimum narcotics and marijuana consumption. I take complete responsibility for myself and my cancer and i work with medical professionals, they know that my goal is to be cancer free. I still work part time between chemo and radiation, I am a Delaware minority small business owner and I am a social media blogger advocating for Delaware medical marijuana.

Governor Markell, don't be that governor who does nothing. NOW is the time to step out of that comfort zone and go to battle for us. Marijuana is here, it will never go away, it is not a gateway drug, it is natures gift to those of us who suffer with debilitating diseases. Responsible parents can protect their children from it like prescribed medications, alcohol, cigarettes. Cannabis is a natural plant with proven scientific medical benefits without the harmful side effects of the dangerous yet legal opiates, alcohol, cigarettes.

I will always be Delaware's advocate for medical marijuana, you will hear from me everyday through some sort of social media. Come see me, talk to me, let me share with you why I choose marijuana over opiates. I'm not a stoner and want to get high, I am a terminally ill cancer patient who is vaporizing and ingesting herself to be healthy and cancer free.

I have so many of those standard template responses from your office, it would be nice to hear from you.

Very truly yours,

Diane L. Jump

Thursday, October 18, 2012

ARTICLE: NJ Medical Marijuana Distributor gets 1st permit

New Jersey issued its first permit to a medical marijuana distributor, and expects it to begin dispensing by year end, Health Commissioner Mary O'Dowd said.
Montclair's nonprofit Greenleaf Compassion Center has satisfied New Jersey's permitting law, O'Dowd told reporters on a conference call today. About 320 patients, with such "debilitating medical conditions" as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, inflammatory bowel disease, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS and terminal cancer, have been registered to get the drug or are in the process, O'Dowd said. Greenleaf will grow its own plants in an undisclosed location.
The possession and distribution of marijuana is illegal under U.S. and state law. In October 2009, President Barack Obama's administration told federal prosecutors not to file charges against legitimate dispensaries and their patrons.
MORE: Editorial: Why not pot for medical use in NY?
VIDEO: Learning the marijuana trade | Seniors using medical marijuana | Should federal prosecutors ease up on states where medical marijuana is legal?
Seventeen states and Washington, D.C., have approved medical marijuana laws, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, a bipartisan research group based in Denver.
New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie had delayed implementation of the marijuana law signed by his predecessor, Democrat Jon Corzine. Christie, 50, a former federal prosecutor who took office in January 2010, said he supported compassionate use of the drug, though he had questions about criminal liability for distributors and users. The U.S. Justice Department last year sent a memo to several states reiterating Obama's position and Christie said New Jersey would start licensing distributors.
Patients who smoke the plant's dried leaves or inhale it via nebulizer may find relief from pain, nausea and vomiting. About 175 physicians have registered with the state to authorize the drug's use.
The dispensaries will serve only New Jersey residents who are certified by registered doctors.

Monday, October 15, 2012

ARTICLE: Medical marijuana moving forward in N.J., first center permitted for dispensing

By Matthew Arco | October 15th, 2012 - 3:09p

TRENTON – New Jersey residents with medical marijuana cards could have their prescriptions filled by the end of the year, the commissioner of the Department of Health announced Monday.

Commissioner Mary O’Dowd said the state issued a first of its kind permit that will allow a Montclair-area center to begin to dispense medicinal marijuana. The center, Greenleaf Compassion Center, is the first center in the state permitted to operate as an Alternative Treatment Center.

“The issuance of this permit marks a significant step forward,” O’Dowd said during a telephone news conference Monday afternoon.

O’Dowd also announced that medicinal marijuana patients will begin to receive their medical marijuana cards in the mail as soon as this week.

There are approximately 320 patients in the state who have either registered with the program or are in the process of completing that registration, she said.

The state’s medical marijuana program has had trouble getting off the ground. Although Gov. Chris Christie gave the program his OK last year, some proposed centers have had trouble getting started as local zoning and planning boards have opposed them.

Greenleaf was the first center in the state permitted for growing medical marijuana. The permit was issued in April.

O’Dowd said she didn’t know exactly when Greenleaf plans to open their doors, saying now that the center is properly permitted it’s just a matter of getting “all their ducks in a row” administratively before they will begin dispensing medical marijuana.

“I would expect that they’re working on that now,” she said, adding that she expects it to be before the end of the year.

There are five other alternative treatment centers in various stages of the permit process.

O’Dowd said she expects 190 medical marijuana cards to be sent out in the coming days.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

BLOG: NJ's GreenLeaf Alternative Treatment Center hits a snag

Diane Jump
Sept 28. 2012
10:00 pm

New Jersey's first state-authorized medical marijuana dispensary has been delayed again.
Greenleaf Alternative Treatment Center lacks its final certificate of occupancy from Montclair Township, the New Jersey Department of Health said.

The dispensary was expected to open to patients by the end of this month.

State Health officials say they are working with the center so a final state permit can be issued as soon as the local permit is given.

New Jersey medical marijuana law passed in January 2010, 240 patients and 170 physicians have registered to take part in the program.

Monday, September 24, 2012

ARTICLE: Cannabis Can Stop Cancer From Spreading

News Desk
Saturday, September 22, 2012
From Print Edition

A compound found in cannabis could halt the spread of many forms of aggressive cancer, scientists say.

Researchers found that the compound, called cannabidiol, had the ability to ‘switch off’ the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of breast cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.

The team from the California Pacific Medical Center, in San Francisco, first spotted its potential five years ago, after it stopped the proliferation of human breast cancer cells in the lab.

Last year they published a study that found a similar effect in mice. Now they say they are on the verge of publishing further animal study results that expand these results further.

Speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle, study co-leader Dr Sean McAllister, said: ‘The preclinical trial data is very strong, and there’s no toxicity. There’s really a lot or research to move ahead with and to get people excited.’

While he, along with colleague Dr Pierre Desprez acknowledge that they are some way off from turning their finding into a pill, they are already developing human trial models. They hope to eventually test the drug in combination with current chemotherapies.

Professor Desprez had previously found that a protein called ID-1 seemed to play a role in causing breast cancer to spread. Meanwhile Dr McAllister had discovered the cannabidiol had anti-cancer potential.

The pair teamed up to see if they could treat a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer called ‘triple negative.’ This form, which affects 15 per cent of patients, doesn’t have three hormone receptors that the most successful therapies target. Cells from this cancer have high levels of ID-1.

When they exposed cells from this cancer to cannabidiol they were shocked to find the cells not only stopped acting ‘crazy’ but also returned to a healthy normal state.They discovered that the compound had turned off the overexpression of ID-1, stopping them from travelling to distant tissues.

Other potentially treatable cancers are forms of leukaemia, lung, ovarian and brain cancers, which also have high levels of ID-1.Dr Desprez has a particular reason for wanting to create a treatment as quickly as possible - his sister was recently diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at the age of 41.Her condition is currently receptive to hormone therapies but Professor Desprez fears it could recur in a form that lacks hormone receptors.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

ARTICLE: Larry Hagman credits Marijuana for his Cancer Cure.

Dallas star Larry Hagman has credited marijuana with helping him beat cancer. The 80-year-old actor was diagnosed with the disease last year, but he recently declared he is in remission. Now he has opened up about his health battle, calling cannabis "a medicine" and praising the drug as "much better than alcohol or tobacco and (it) hasn't killed anyone". He is quoted as telling Germany's Bunte magazine, "The cancer and the chemotherapy really took it out of me. I lost 30 pounds, weighed only 171 pounds. ..Marijuana actually brought my appetite back."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

ARTICLE: First New Jersey Distribution Center to Open in September

ASA Newsletter

After more than two years of delays by Governor Chris Christie, medical cannabis should be available to New Jersey patients through a state-regulated distribution center in September.

Greenleaf Compassion Center, the first of six slated to operate in the state, expects to begin serving qualified patients at its Montclair location this month. The center is producing the medicinal plants in a secure 5,000 square-foot warehouse in a secret location.

Another center, the Compassionate Care Foundation, expects to open by November, but finding suitable locations to operate for the other four has proven difficult, in what has turned into a battle over land use with local zoning officials.

State lawmakers want answers on why implementation of the program has been so delayed from the original July 2011 projected launch. Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Trenton) in July called for hearings. Gov. Jon Corzine signed the Compassionate Care Act in January 2010.

Monday, September 10, 2012

ARTICLE: Medical Marijuana Becoming Election Hot Button in Presidential Race

By Karl Dickey, The Examiner - Monday, September 10 2012

Libertarian presidential candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson today praised Rep. Paul Ryan for his willingness to let states decide whether to allow the use of medical marijuana, but added, "Don't get too excited until we know where Mitt Romney stands."
Responding to a question on a Denver radio show over the weekend, Ryan stated that, while he is personally opposed to medical marijuana, he agrees with allowing states to decide whether to allow it or not. Medical marijuana is legal in Colorado under state law, but the Obama Administration has aggressively sought to close dispensaries in the state.
Johnson has stated that, if elected, he would immediately cease federal enforcement efforts aimed at preventing states from allowing the prescription and use of medical marijuana, and reclassify cannabis to allow its use under the Controlled Substances Act.
Responding to Ryan's statement, Johnson made the following statement:
"While I applaud Paul Ryan's words, this is not the first time we have heard a candidate for national office express a willingness to tolerate state medical marijuana laws, so 'buyer beware'. Barack Obama categorically pledged to not use federal resources to go after medical marijuana dispensaries operating legally under state law, and his Justice Department even issued a memo to that effect. But what's happened? The Obama Administration has proven to be an even greater enemy to medical marijuana than President George W. Bush."

- Read the entire article at The Examiner.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

ARTICLE: Medical Marijuana: Coming In The Fall, Y’all?

by Danny Tyree

According to the Associated Press, on November 6 Arkansas will become the first southern state to let voters decide whether they want to legalize medical uses for marijuana. Backers hope success in the Razorback State will lead to a domino effect of resistance fading in other parts of the old Confederacy.
As a lifelong Tennessean, I am keenly interested in how this vote turns out.
Many characteristics of the South have frustrated advocates of marijuana reform. For example, there are lingering Bible Belt influences. (“I feel for those seeking pain relief, but God meant for fallen man to suffer, and — Hey, deacon! If we don’t get those new comfy pew cushions, I’m cutting my donation in half!”)
A southern overemphasis on cardiac matters sometimes leaves little room for sympathy. (“Bless his heart — but his cancer-ridden OTHER organs can just suffer without dope!”)
Macho posturing is another factor, with would-be coaches advising glaucoma patients, “Walk it off! Walk it off!”
Southern cooks with a fear of embarrassment also contribute to the glacial progress of marijuana laws. (“But…but…what if we don’t have enough equipment to DEEP-FRY all that medical marijuana?”)
Many southern officials are sincerely concerned that looser marijuana laws would send the wrong message to our youth: that SPEED TRAPS are the only way to keep the ticket count high.
I have a grudging respect for the grassroots pro-reform movements that spring up naturally in given states, but I worry about the influence of outside agitators. I’m not sure we need a condescending education from outsiders who buy into the stereotype that all southerners are toothless, barefoot and need the Church of Scientology to match them up with their cousins.
I believe there are many sincere people on both sides of the issue, but some individuals really should recuse themselves from the debate because of vested interests. For example, if you actually thought you saw President Obama in that chair Clint Eastwood was talking to, YOU JUST MIGHT BE INELIGIBLE.
I respect those who have a personal stake in using medical marijuana to handle a terminal illness, or who want a safe environment for others in that situation. I’m not so sure about voters who get giggles and vicarious thrills from the notion of a “trickle-down” effect, who treat marijuana reform as one more way to Stick It To The Man or who convince themselves, “Golly, if I vote for it, then maybe the COOL voters will let me hang out with them at the malt shop and eat pecan pie and…”
The issue has made for some strange bedfellows. Despite 17 states and the District of Columbia having already adopted some form of medical marijuana program, distribution is still a violation of federal law. So it’s a STATES’ RIGHTS issue. I wonder how supporters will feel if there are separate smoking areas for “whites” and “coloreds”?
I welcome a debate about side effects, the costs of criminalization, the costs of regulating dispensaries and other issues. Just as long as we don’t adopt a carefree “Hey, what could possibly go wrong?” attitude.
I would rather not see the rallying cry of the South become “The South’s Gonna Do It Again…because, frankly, we sort of forgot that we had already done it, dude.”

©2012 Danny Tyree. Danny welcomes reader e-mail responses at and visits to his Facebook fan page “Tyree’s Tyrades”.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

ARTICLE: Prescriptions for N.J. marijuana hard to get

09/05/2012 10:02 PM
By Jan Hefler

Many of the doctors who recently registered with New Jersey's medical marijuana program are not accepting new patients, while some are charging nearly $500 in cash for visits before they will recommend the drug.

That may explain why only 130 patients have signed up so far for the state's new program, say members of the Coalition for Medical Marijuana-New Jersey, a patient advocacy group that has been pushing for the alternative pain relief for more than five years. In Arizona, more than 700 patients applied to use marijuana when that state's program opened last year.

"I wondered what it would be like for a hospice patient to try to navigate the program and to find a doctor," said Vanessa Waltz, a coalition board member who telephoned all 148 doctors listed on the state Department of Health's website last month when the patient registry was launched.

Since then, the number has grown to 160 doctors - out of nearly 36,000 licensed physicians in the state.

The program is not yet operational as no marijuana dispensary has received final approvals to sell to patients. A dispensary in Montclair, Essex County, is expecting to open this month.