Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The National Patients Rights Association (also known as NPRA), a new medical marijuana alliance,

The National Patients Rights Association (also known as NPRA), a new medical marijuana alliance, has been established by several major medical marijuana supporters all over the United States in order to protect the rights of patients. NPRA will persuade local governments, prosecutors, and legislators to completely respect voters’ decision that passed laws to make medical marijuana legal in the capital of the United States, as well as in 16 different states. Michigan, whose MMMA (Michigan Medical marijuana Act) passed by almost 63% (approximately two-thirds) in 2008, will be one of the primary states aimed at the efforts of NPRA.

The National Patients Rights Association is supported by patients, businesses, caregivers, and several other advocates. As a group, the alliance will operate in order to widen awareness, get in touch with legislators in an intended way, and aid mobilize caregivers and patients who are involved in such laws. The alliance’s primary goal is an urge towards definitive law when it comes to standardization – including security and storage necessities, privacy, document management conditions, and general industry procedures and standards.

As said by the National Patients Rights Association, Bill Schuette, Michigan’s Attorney General, shouldn’t undermine or circumvent state regulations for personal principles and need to respect Michigan voters’ preference by helping make medical marijuana law’s implementation clearer for every affected groups.

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