Thursday, June 7, 2012

Letter to Gov Markell Delaware Medical Marijuana By Diane Jump

Dear Governor Markell,

You have been very quiet and non responding to letters and concerns about moving forward with the compassion care centers for Delaware.

We sent letters, testimonials and concerns about Delaware Medical Marijuana the whole month of April and received a standard response that offered no information, or even human touch.

Yesterday we had a conference call and basically learned that nothing has been done to move forward. Stagnate.

Delaware patients want safe access to safe medication. We have an abundance of prescribed medications that have their own sickening side effects. Doctors prescribe pill after pill and support the huge pharmaceutical companies. But they don't want to hear about the pain relief, nausea relief, the want and ability to get up, move, feel better and control of our life. Marijuana is medication, and it works for so many,

If this is some political move because it's an election year, and nobody wants to upset the apple cart, it's just sickening. Some of us will die this election year, others will keep fighting for Delaware Medical Marijuana despite your lack of leadership and follow through. Patients who use medical marijuana are not afraid of the Oberly memo, we are afraid of being singled out as criminals.

You know, the best and most logical thing for me to do is just forget SB17. I can get marijuana, I'll always do the right thing and medicate just like I do with the prescribed narcotics. I'll be fine, but....

Sir, there are so many sick Delaware patients who need a voice, who are afraid. Patients who choose medical marijuana and subject themselves to danger or arrest just to get quality medication that works to relieve their ills, pains, nausea, wasting and side effects of disease and treatment.

I beg you Sir to move forward with the compassion care centers.

Diane L Jump


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  2. True that Delaware patients want safe access to safe medication. As a medical marijuana patient, I want fair distributions of medical marijuana cards

  3. Marijuana, is a drug preparation which is derived from the plant Cannabis. Cannabis is prescribed for the relief of extreme pain. Medical marijuana has a positive effect on society due to its many health benefits.
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